Groupon voucher not valid until 12/26/15. Not valid for clients active at any location within the past 6 months. Appointment required. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed Groupon price). Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person. Valid only at Soho and Midtown locations. Taxes not included. Option for set of three Ruby eyelashes must be used in full within 6 months of first visit. Groupon voucher not valid until 12/26/15. Not valid for clients active at any location within the past 6 months. Appointment required. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed Groupon price). Limit 1 per person, may b
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Limit 1 per customer, up to 2 additional as gifts � Limit 1 per customer per visit � Appointments required and subject to availability � Merchant cancellation/re-scheduling policy of 24 hours applies; voucher subject to forfeiture � Option A-D: all se
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